


Dr. Altman is an expert in psychological and educational testing and assessment.  She diagnoses learning disabilities and executive function weaknesses that interfere with optimal functioning in the educational environment at all levels of schooling from elementary to university.  Additionally, she has helped many college students attain accommodations for their learning challenges.  Assessment offerings include the following:

  • Psychological Evaluation involves cognitive assessment, also known as intelligence testing or IQ testing.  Examining the patient’s social and emotional skills and self-image are part of this aspect of the assessment.
  • Educational Evaluation involves taking a closer look at the patient’s reading, mathematics, and writing abilities.
  • Executive Functioning Evaluation assesses the skills people need to effectively negotiate their environment and utilize their cognitive and academic skills.  For example, the ability to shift from one topic to another, inhibit impulses, concentrate, monitor one’s own progress, organization, and processing efficiency are all skills that fall under the umbrella of executive functioning. Evaluation for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) falls under this category.
  • Review of school records and previous evaluation assists in understanding the patient’s needs in the context of their educational history and prior functioning.


Assessments are customized based on the questions being asked, the goals of the evaluation, and the needs of each patient.  Comprehensive evaluations result in recommendations for school programming, referrals for further treatment, and testing and classroom modifications.  These reports are often shared with institutions in order to obtain accommodations on the SAT and ACT, and in school via 504 Planning and the Committee on Special Education.